~ Bellamy ~

Why was Pino sending such provocative clothing? Did he need to tease me this way? I knew he was impatient, that he believed I was putting us in danger traveling by horse instead of portaling there. Time and time again he had told me that Asher needed the truth as soon as possible, but gods, why torture me like this?

   Asher stood, the plunging silk of her purple top showing off her tanned back. A pair of silver trousers clung to her skin, the leather-like fabric not hiding any of her curves. Winona had styled her hair in two coils atop her head, knowing exactly what she was doing to me and not caring about how it would affect my sanity.

   They were all out to get me.

   The princess made her way over to a small male, her bowl gripped tightly in one hand and her mug of water in the other. I knew what she was doing before she did it, because these small interactions happened everywhere we went.

   Asher was crafted into a leader, but she was born to love those she led. How she could have remained so kind after over two hundred years of pain I struggled to fathom, but she had. Not that she seemed to realize what she was doing for these creatures. It was as if she did kind things and never thought twice about them, forgetting they even occurred as the pain overtook her once more.

   It was no secret that she was struggling, immensely so. I watched every night as she snuck out of her tent or took watch. I saw the way she fought sleep. Two nights ago, she had nearly fallen from her perch on a low hanging tree branch because she was that thoroughly exhausted. When she did sleep, she awoke the group with her screams of terror and pain.

   I could see the way she was crumbling, how she seemed to lose herself. Still, I could also note the ways in which she was growing stronger, the small pockets of joy she was collecting on this journey. Never would I pretend that she was healed, but watching as she leaned down to hand the starving youngling her food, I knew that there was a chance that the future Pino had shown me was still possible.

   The female beside the male, who looked only a few years older than him, used her bony arms to shield him, pushing away the food. Asher’s shoulders slumped, but her face remained determined and open. She smiled at them both, talking with excited hand gestures and vibrant smiles. At one point in the one-sided conversation, Asher got up and walked over to Henry. She swiped his food, smacking him in the back of the head when he protested, and brought it to the female. Another minute passed before they seemed to trust that she was being sincere.

   Tears streamed down both of the young demons’ faces as they hugged Asher, their starving forms shaking with their sobs. Asher squeezed them both, leaning away to take their hands. It was then that I noticed the small pouch in her palm. The sneaky little thing had stolen Henry’s coin.

   Stella save us all, she was a handful.

   As Asher leaned down to kiss both of their foreheads and placed the pouch in their joined hands, Noe cleared her throat. My head flipped in her direction, finding a smirk upon her face.

   “What?” I asked, attempting to feign ignorance.

   “You are drooling, idiot.”

   I nearly grabbed a muffin and threw it at her face, but the thought of wasting perfectly good food while so many starved—while those on the other side of the inn starved—halted my hand midair.

   “She really is a natural,” Lian said, nodding her head towards Asher, who had returned to her seat between Winona and Cyprus. Once again, she had chosen not to sit with me. It had been nearly four weeks since we left Haven, and I still had to fight my way to her side.

   Watching Cyprus openly flirt with her made me wish I could strangle someone with a piece of yarn or kill someone with a spoon, something slow and painful. It brought out that violent side that I had spent so long fighting to keep at bay. Oh how I wished Luca were here to distract him.

   “Yes, she is,” I responded, never taking my eyes from the back of her head, attempting not to ogle her from afar.

   I lasted about seven seconds before my eyes strayed to her back, causing my mind to wander. How many times had I nearly been inside of her? Twice? That was too many to be fair. I wanted her, desperately. Not just physically, but in every capacity. I wanted her mind, her heart, her soul. I wanted a ring on her finger and a vow from her lips. I was prepared to beg if need be. Anything to convince her to choose me—to choose us—before it was too late.

   “Well, she was raised to rule. I do not think we have found one inn where she has not unknowingly charmed every demon there. Good thing our prince has decided to put those skills of hers to work.”

   Slowly, I turned my head to glare at Noe. I knew I would find her smiling, but that did not mean I was not still furious at the sight of it. Noe and Lian had both been quite open about discussing my feelings for Ash. In fact, they enjoyed bringing it up any chance they could.

   “Oh yes, I think she will be a fun queen. I thoroughly enjoy the savage look she gets in her eye when she kills. I think she nearly came when she ended the life of that first afriktor.”

    I knocked over my water, the liquid splashing across the table. The two females cursed, Noe proceeding to threaten to behead me for getting her wet. Meanwhile, Lian simply glared, knowing that was enough.

   Calling on her Air powers, Lian got to work drying the two of them.

   “I cannot stand either of you.”

   It was a waste of breath. Not only because they did not listen, but because they knew I was lying.

   Asher leaned over Winona to whisper something to Ranbir, and through his dark skin, I saw a faint flush of red color his cheeks. Winona burst into laughter, brushing a soft kiss to his lips and then facing the princess once more. The two of them chatted; though even from the side, I could see the way Asher’s smile did not quite meet her eyes.

   Taking a deep breath to settle the thoughts racing through my head, I relaxed further into my chair and began to shout in my mind.

   Hello, beautiful creature. I must say, Pino truly outdid himself today. All I can think about is ripping those clothes off you.

   I saw her body stiffen, then that stormy gaze was on me, her glare a glorious thing. It meant she was feeling something, that she was doing something, other than drowning in sorrow or fighting off every emotion that came her way.

   I would gladly be her enemy if it meant she survived this.

   Strange, I was wondering if perhaps you accidentally switched our outfits today, seeing as your own trousers look as if they are two sizes too small. Though, I would not blame someone as dimwitted as yourself. They are the same colors after all.

   Nothing could stop the deep laugh that fought its way from my lips. The sound echoed, scaring most of the patrons eating around us. I did not miss the quirk of Asher’s lips, the first honest smile she had given today. Though it was not her real smile. No, those were few and far between—a rare and beautiful sight. Still, watching the smirk quickly fade made an ache start in my chest.

   I waited until Asher turned, thinking I was done speaking to her. When she asked the barmaid to bring her a new cup of tea, I inwardly chuckled, raising my mental shields.

   Noe and Lian eyed me for a moment, then the two of them looked to Asher. I tried to ignore them, but from the corner of my eye I saw the way each of them studied me once more.

   Nosy brats. Oh, how I loathed them.

   Henry, too, seemed to be watching me watch Asher. I scowled at him, quickly giving him the middle finger. He merely smirked before leaning forward and saying something to my princess. The very one he had tried to convince me not to bring here. The one he had degraded and threatened to kill. The one he had practically spit on our brotherhood over.

   Every fiber of my being shook with rage, but I quickly clamped it down, trying to stifle it before it consumed me. I knew Henry was no longer a threat to her, there was no need to overreact. At least, that was what I told myself. 

   As if she could sense my inner turmoil, Noe placed a hand on my back, rubbing slow circles. For her part, Lian shoved another muffin my way, glaring at me until I took a bite.

   Nosy brats. Oh, how I loved them.

   The barmaid returned with Asher’s tea, which I knew the princess would not hesitate to drink despite its heat. Slowly, I let my black flames fade to a simmer, the walls hiding my thoughts from her falling. I recalled when Adbeel taught me to do such a thing. He had wanted me to block his magic, but it came in far more handy with Asher and her wholly other gift.

   A moment later, she was bringing the tea to her mouth, those full pink lips parting and sending wonderfully dirty thoughts through my mind. I quickly quenched those images, shouting the next sentence as loudly as I could just as Ash turned back to face Henry.

   What can I say, I have always been quite adept at filling my trousers, especially in the front.

   Tea went flying from Asher’s mouth, raining down on Henry’s smug face. This time my laughter was unencumbered, it—along with the sound of many others—filled the small dining area.

   Asher jumped up, quickly grabbing her napkin and rushing to clean up Henry—who was violently rubbing at his now-red face. Perhaps this plan was not as brilliant as I had hoped it would be.

   When he grabbed her hips, holding tightly as she cleaned the tea off and apologized, I saw red. Shooting up with enough force to send my chair flying back, I let out a deep growl. Ranbir made eye contact with me, seeing my face and deciding that was his cue. He jumped up, running around the table to Henry’s side. With a sigh of relief, I watched as Asher stepped out of Ranbir’s way. 

   Gods, I had a problem.

   Asher took one last look around the room, clearly uncomfortable with the eyes that had landed on her, and rushed out. I silently cursed myself, wishing I was any less of an idi—

   “Idiot,” Noe scoffed. She was still seated, her arms crossed and her eyes focused on the door Ash had run through. Still, I knew it was me she was speaking to.

   “Yes, I am.” My response was soft, but loud enough for all of my Trusted to hear—I was not above admitting my own faults. There were far too many to deny.

   Rushing out of the now-settling room, I made my way outside. The air was brisk, my own purple silk top—open in the front rather than the back—and silver trousers doing nothing to protect me from the chill. Asher was likely freezing already.

    We were nearing the southern border of Elpis, and with winter quickly approaching, it would only get colder from here. I would have to tell Pino that Asher needed warmer clothing.

    The princess stood not far from the inn, her back to me and her arms wrapped around her. She had left her cloak inside—we both had. Making my way to her, I slowly let some of my Fire power heat my body and the air around me, hoping to offer her a bit of warmth.

   “Hello, demon.” Her voice was far calmer than I thought, nearly a purr with its soft seduction. Asher did not turn back, nor did I feel her prodding at my mental shields. It was as if she could sense me there.

   “Hello, Princess.”

   She did not look as I moved to her side, though she also did not lean away when I pressed my arm into hers, the soft touch soothing me. I basked in her, the lovely way she settled the rage inside my chest—the way she made me feel whole after a lifetime of feeling like two halves of different puzzles.

   “You did that on purpose, I presume.”

   “I did.”

   It was then that her gray eyes finally met mine. There was a cyclone raging within them, enough fury to bring us all to our knees. They were brighter than I had seen in days, volatile rather than vacant.

   I loved every bit of them—every bit of her.

   Maybe that made me a fucking idiot, but I did. One day, when this borrowed time came to a close and I inevitably left her, I would die knowing those eyes were the last thing I saw. I would die happy and full and—Stella willing—loved. That would be enough, it had to be enough. It was all I would be allowed to have.

   “What are you thinking, Elemental? There is something brewing in that mind of yours. I can nearly feel it.” I laughed at her question, so very complicated, as they all were. Never did she ask mundane things. Rarely did she ask about topics I could actually answer.

   Pino knew it would be harder this way, had warned me that I needed to get her to Dunamis as fast as possible in order to save us all. He seemed to underestimate my willingness to let the world burn if it meant another moment in her presence.

   I was selfish. I always had been.

   Politics and crowns and wars did not matter to me. Participating in it all was my duty, nothing more. But Asher was not the same. She was life and love and joy. She was something I would be honored to fight for. Which was why I would waste days, weeks, even months, if it meant she had more time to heal and find who she could be with this new freedom. 

   Not that she exactly saw it as freedom.

   “I am thinking about you,” I responded, a simple and truthful answer.

   “Of course you are,” she scoffed, eyes narrowing. “Plotting, as always.”

   I wondered if she realized that she had moved closer to me, her hand falling and nearly grazing mine. Just to see, I twitched my fingers, the tips of them brushing hers. She jolted, her eyes widening in surprise, but did not move.

   Had she felt it? The spark that came with our contact? Could she sense what I could? That we were made for each other—that not even fate could tear us apart now that I had my sights set on her? Was she aware of the heinous crimes I would commit to keep her at my side?

   “Want to hear a joke?” I asked, abruptly changing the subject. Her brow furrowed, surprised by my train of thought. Then her eyes rolled. If I knew her, and I took great pride in the belief that I did, then she was likely annoyed that I was not putting up a fight.

   I quickly grabbed her hand, weaving my fingers through hers. Grip light so that she could pull away if she wanted, I smirked her way, reveling in the feel of her hand in mine. 

   “What did the horse say when it fell?”

   A lift of an eyebrow was the only response I received in return. Clearly, she was not amused in the slightest.

   “Help! I have fallen, and I cannot giddy up!”

   Nothing. Not even a raise of her lips.

   Naturally, I was undeterred.

   “Not funny? Well, I nearly told you a joke about my cock, but it was far too long.”

   There was a confused scrunch of her face, a knowing slackening of her jaw, and a scandalized widening of her eyes before Asher smacked my arm with her free hand. The sound of her laugh split the silence, her body slightly leaning forward as she clutched her stomach.

   All I could think was that, even if I died now, I would be happy hearing that perfect sound as I went.

Brea Lamb

Brea has been obsessively reading for as long as she can remember, consuming any and all books she could get her hands on. Thus sparked the dream of creating something similar—a book that would make readers cry and laugh and smile and feel all those big emotions that she did. At nine-years-old, she wrote her first book. Over the years she would write many more, but it was not until Of Night and Blood that she finally felt the book she dreamed of writing had come to life.

She spends her time working with the blind and low vision community, advocating for human rights, drinking too much coffee, chasing around her toddlers, and ordering new books for her endless TBR. She lives with her spouse, their two children, and their dog.


~ Mia ~